What’s Inside--Nov. '98
Court hearing on sale of Blackwater Canyon
Letter to DOT regarding Organ Cave
Blackwater Canyon on National TV
Action Alert! (Land Swap Policy)
Trading off Blackwater and the Mon Forest?
Blackwater Canyon--Truth and Lies
OOPS !!!! Because of a mix-up in which the Post Office incorrectly marked our post office box as closed, mail which the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy received at P.O. Box 306, Charleston, for a short time in mid-October was returned to sender. Please be assured that the Conservancy has the same box as it has always had and that the box is now open. If your mail has been returned, please try again.
This from Lynn Degen: The New WVEC Website is now on-line. We have our own domain name and webspace was donated by Huntington resident Julie Hewett. It's still under construction and I will be adding links to environmental websites and can put e-mail links on as well, if you want your name listed in conjunction with the issues that we are dealing with. Let me know (LDegen@wvwise.org) if you have any questions, comments, suggestions for links or page ideas. Also I will be uploading artwork and photos from members and groups, send them to me either electronically or snail mail. We have 5 megabites of webspace to play with -- and that's a LOT! Here's the address: www.wvecouncil.org Check it out!
"It is a very old story. We must treat people as we wish to be treated. Forget the theology of free trade, forget the theology of foreign policy, forget the theology of immigration reform, forget the theology of the military. They will not answer to the task. Look into the faces ... Then the choices will be simple. And the price of a bad choice will be obvious." — Charles Bowden in "High CountryNews," September 14, 1998
"It may be more important now to enter into an ethical and reciprocal relationship with everything around us than to continue to work toward the control of the physical world that, until recently, we aspired to.
"The simple issue of our biological plausibility, our chance for biological survival, has become so basic a question, that finding a way out of the predicament – if one is to be had – is imperative. It calls on our collective imaginations with an urgency we’ve never known before. We are in need not just of another kind of logic, another way of knowing. We need a radically different philosophical sensibility." — Barry Lopez in "High Country News," September 14, 1998
The Highlands Voice is published monthly by the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, PO Box 306, Charleston, WV 25321. Articles, letters to the editor, graphics, photos, poetry or other information for publication should be sent to the editor via e-mail or 3-1/2 floppy disk by the 25th of each month.
Editor: Bill Reed, 350 Bucks Branch, Beckley, WV 25801, (304)934-5828, bill_reed@wvwise.org