Action Alert!
Land Swap Policy
By Janine Blaeloch
(submitted by Vivian Stockman)
This is the time to contact Mike Dombeck (fax 202-205-1765) and support the Western Land Exchange Project’s September call for a moratorium on land swaps!
Here are three articles today in the Seattle Times on that most fascinating of subjects, LAND EXCHANGES.
Today’s Seattle Times says that USDA Inspector General Roger Viadero is expanding his office’s investigation of land swaps,
saying, ‘The only real loser in these things is the taxpayer." Citing problems with appraisals, undertrained staff, and aggressive private traders, Viadero said, "It doesn't seem to me we’re dealing with rocket science here."
The full text of the article can be found at the following URL:
Also today, the Times writes of the deal being struck between "environmentalists," Gorton, Plum Creek, and Patty Murray on the
Plum Creek legislation. This is found at:
Finally, the Times has published a joint response by USFS Chief Mike Dombeck and BLM Director Pat Shea to the Times series that
ran last week. This editorial opinion is located at the following URL:
Janine Blaeloch is the director of the Western Land Exchange Project. She can be contacted at: PO Box 95545, Seattle, WA 98145-2545; phone: (206) 325-3503 fax: (206) 325-3515 email: