What’s Inside-- May, 2000

Roadway thru BWS Park stopped
Nader in Charleston
Young Column "Protect the whole canyon"
Clean Water Act decision
WVRC Action Alert
Hasty column
Earth Day - Garvin
Earth Day - Stockman
Earth Day - Slocomb
Mon-AThon 2000
Rules for hiking
Spring Review – Ruth Blackwell Rogers article on tree planting
Rogers poem
Caldwell poem
Rick Webb message
Degen on victory in the garbage wars
Crites tax strategy
EPA training
Lagoon proposal for Potomac Trough
Clinton’s roadless ban
CHIA lawsuit

"Man is only the measure of all arrogance, cruelty and wastefulness. It took him eons to work his way to the top of the food chain and a couple of centuries to destroy the food chain from the top down. As the human population metastasizes it’s erasing, in an instant of historical time, all the holy wonder and divine whimsy of biological diversity." – Hugh Crowther (in the May 1, 2000 issue of the "Progressive Populist")

[regarding the serious overuse of antibiotics by animal factory farms] "...serious infectious diseases are enjoying a resurgence in the U. S. Our national policy of replacing family farms with animal factories in the name of ‘economic efficiency’ is one of the key reasons." – Peter Montague in "Rachel’s Environment and Health Weekly"

Mountaintop Mining in West Virginia
(This resource, which should be very handy for those who track strip mining in WV, was sent in by Doyle Coakley)
The monthly report to the West Virginia Congressional Delegation and the public, describing the status of pending West Virginia surface coal mining permit applications containing plans to construct valley fills, is posted on the Office of Surface Mining web site at: www.osmre.gov/mtindex.htm.