Groups Challenge Lead Ammo Ban Exemption for Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge
On July 31, 2023, three conservation groups filed a suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia challenging a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decision…
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National Public Lands Day
West Virginia’s public lands offer something for everyone. With 35 state parks, 116,090 acres of wilderness areas, and hundreds of miles of trails, the public lands surrounding us offer everyone the…
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Residents Raise Alarm Over Aging and Deteriorating Pipes Along Mountain Valley Pipeline
By Olivia MillerPipes that have been sitting exposed to the elements since the early days of construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline have…
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The Highlands Conservancy’s Contributions to Wilderness
By George E. Beetham JrBefore the coming of European explorers and settlers, all of the land in what is now West Virginia was…
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Part Two: Wilderness Trails
By Dave JohnstonIn the first part of this discussion, we explored the fact that while Wilderness is supposed to be “untrammeled” by humans…
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Watoga Old-Growth Forest Exploration Outing
By Larry ThomasThe Conservancy’s second old-growth outing took place on July 9, when more than thirty individuals met ecologist/naturalist Doug Wood at Watoga…
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Are “Wilderness Trails” an Oxymoron?
By Dave JohnstonNothing seems more fundamental to a visit to a natural area than a trail. We have come to take for granted…
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Clear-Cutting: A Perspective
By Robert BeanblossomI graduated from high school on a Wednesday evening in early June of 1971 and had a job waiting on me…
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New Planning in the Mon: Is it Time to Begin?
By John McFerrinIt’s time again. The planning document that directs activities in the Monongahela National Forest is due for an update.
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Conservancy Challenges Forest Service Project in the Upper Greenbrier River Watershed
By Rick WebbWith the assistance of Appalachian Mountain Advocates, the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has asked a United States District Court to require…
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