• Board Highlights

    By John McFerrin It was not a fit night out for man nor beast as the Board gathered in Charleston for the winter meeting.  Any impulse towards soliloquy, rambling, exhortation, […]

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  • A “Fix” for the Forest Service

    By Hugh Rogers “I never think it is a good deal when the Democrats get money and the Republicans get to change the environmental laws.” So Brett Hartl, of the […]

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  • Thoughts from our president

    March proved to be another month a lot of activity. Mother Nature provided the greatest amount of snow of the winter for much of the highlands and has ended the […]

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  • Auld Lang Syne

    Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and old lang syne?   Our 50th year is ending.  Our old times and old […]

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  • West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Officers and Directors

    Cynthia D. Ellis Cynthia D. Ellis [Cindy] is a retired teacher, environmental volunteer, and enthusiastic birder.  She’s a veteran contributor to state and federal bird population studies and enjoyed terms […]

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  • Water Over the Dams These Last 50 Years

    By Cindy Rank Just as bumper stickers claiming ‘Water is Life’ can be seen everywhere, one might say water has pretty much been the lifeblood of the West Virginia Highlands […]

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  • Trail Truthing, Part 5: Your Turn

    By Hugh Rogers Ever-resourceful Editor John has proposed a contest for hikers who will help us bring our Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide up to date. Here’s some background. More […]

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  • 1965 Fall Review

    From Fighting to Protect the Highlands, The First Forty Years of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy by Dave Elkinton As recalled by Maxwell Smith  “It was a cold, wet, miserable […]

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  • From the Archives

    Most issues of our monthly newsletter, The Highlands Voice, beginning with Volume 1, in 1969, are archived on our website at www.wvhighlands.org.   Enjoy the following highlights taken from;   […]

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    Open Book test.  The text: “Fighting to Protect the Highlands: The First Forty Years of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy” by David P. Elkinton.  [texts available in each WV public […]

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