
September 11- Kanawha Valley Greenspace Coalition Meeting, Coonskin Park, Charleston, 6:30 PM. Come and join this new organization that is working to preserve parks and greenspace areas. The coalition’s working groups include community forestry, trail maintenance, neighborhood improvement projects and greenspace mapping. Contact Linda at 346-5891 ( or Kasey at 346-7578 ( for more information and specific meeting location.

September 18 - "Last Great Wilderness Show" in Morgantown. See article for details.

September 19 - Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition meeting with Doug LaFollet, Wisconsin Secretary of State -- "Campaign Finance Reform as an Environmental Issue" 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Ever wondered about the connection between bad environmental policy and current campaign finance laws? Join us at the Huntington Public Library in downtown Huntington, 5th Avenue and the 9th Street Plaza. Refreshments served.

September 20 - "Last Great Wilderness Show" in Wheeling. See article for details.

September 21 thru 23 - The West Virginia Environmental Council’s Annual Fall Convention "Back to the Future" will be at Camp Pioneer in Beverly, WV. Please plan to attend!! For details call 346-5905. Phone for the camp – 636-3638.

September 22 - Shaver’s Fork Coalition benefit concert. Spelunker’s Camp, East Dailey, WV, south of Elkins. Details in August issue of The Highlands Voice. For further information call 637-3911, e-mail <>.

September 22 - Informational Picket "Wild, not Wasted!" Help the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Coal River Mountain Watch, coalfield residents and other activists pass out flyers about mountaintop removal/ valley fill strip mining at an international whitewater rafting event in Fayette County, WV. Let the world know that West Virginia will no longer be a "cheap" energy sacrifice zone. For additional details and ride-sharing, call the OVEC office at (304) 522-0246.

September 25 -The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) will demonstrate and discuss the system design, capabilities, and progress of their Electronic Permitting and Reporting project at the Holiday Inn Charleston House, Cobb Room, 600 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 N. The Information Technology Office (ITO) and the Division of Mining and Reclamation (DMR) is developing an Internet based system of Electronic Permitting and Reporting. The initial implementation will support permit applications processed by the DMR, but will be expanded into a multiple media (coal, air, water, waste, etc.) system. This project will expedite the preparation, delivery, review, correction, approval and publication of permit application data by using Web based technologies to integrate industry, regulators, and the public with a common interface. This project will also eliminate most of the requirements for paper copies of a permit application. Please reply if you are able to attend. <> Steve Legge - Project Manager WVDEP Electronic Permitting Project

September 30 - "Last Great Wilderness Show" in Shepherdstown. See article for details.

October 6, 2001 - 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday, Fundraising Workshop sponsored by The West Virginia Rivers Coalition and The Wilderness Society, Elk River Touring Center, Slatyfork, WV. To register, call Carl at 304-637-7201 by Friday, September 14th (see article for more details).

October 6 thru 7 - Apple Butter Festival, Berkeley Springs. For details, contact Abbie Chapple, 947-7590, e-mail <>.

October 13 thru 14 - Annual WVHC Board Meeting. See article

October 13 - Stop mountaintop removal/ Stop the flooding! Saturday, at 2:00 p.m. at the Governor’s mansion. Hear stories from victims of the recent flooding as they deliver their list of demands to Governor Wise. For information about ride-sharing and other details call the OVEC office at 304-522-0246.

October 13 and 14 - Eastern Forest Summit, 4-H Conference Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Details in August issue of The Highlands Voice. For further information contact Jad Daley at (609 818-1776, e-mail <>.

October 18 thru 19 - "A Match Made in ‘Almost Heaven’: Marrying West Virginia’s Economic and Environmental Future" Robert F Kennedy, Jr., keynote speaker. University of Charleston. Scholarships widely available. Call 342-6972 for details.

October 18 thru 19 -- Commission on Religion in Appalachia (CORA), Annual Assembly. Black Mountain, North Carolina. Contact Janet at the OVEC office (304) 522-0246.

January 5th, 2002 - WVHC Board of Directors meeting

April 17, 2002 (Wednesday) - "Journeying toward Ecological Conversion: Practical Steps toward Earth-Friendly Facilities." A conference describing ways to make church and parish facilities more ecologically friendly will be sponsored by Catholic Committee of Appalachia at John XXIII Pastoral Center, Charleston, WV, on Wednesday, April 17, 2002.Cost of the Conference is $25. For more information, contact: Todd Garland at the Catholic Committee of Appalachia (304) 847-7215 or e-mail < >.

May 10 thru 12, 2002 - Spring Review (Board meeting on the 12th)

July 13th, 2002 - Summer Board of Directors meeting

October 11 thru 13, 2002 - Fall Review (Board meeting on the 13th)