If you haven’t written Judge Haden yet, there is still time to do so. He wants and needs public input to make a decision on mountain top removal (MTR) mining in the framework of the current lawsuit and proposed settlement. The deadline for such comments is September 30, 1999. Let him know your views about MTR, especially on any negative impacts it has had on you or the community where you live. Some points to consider in your letter:
- Coal companies eliminate jobs by being able to use more big machines in MTR mining.
- More coal is mined with fewer workers in MTR than in other methods of mining.
- Communities will be continually forced out of the valleys that are filled because of the enormous size of such fills.
- The trend is up for tourism in WV, but the tourism industry is almost nil where MTR takes place.
- historically, southern West Virginia has been an unfragmented breeding ground for neo-tropical birds. With such extensive land disturbance as occurs in MTR, this will no longer be true.
- Major owners of the coal industry in WV mostly live out of state and have no stake in the quality of life for WV residents.
- According to Bill Maxey, the retired forestry chief in WV, 250,000 acres of forest has been lost to strip mining and 300,000 acres of forest has been disturbed.
- Also according to Maxey, with current methods of "reclamation," it will take 150 to 200 years for a hardwood forest to regenerate itself on mined over lands.
- Coal production is the highest it has ever been in WV, but the number of miners employed is the fewest ever.
- Coal will soon give way to other forms of a less polluting or a more renewable energy base. It would be tragic to further the destruction forever of WV mountains for a few more years of riches for a very few.
- Thousands of miles of streams have already been buried by valley fills. We need to salvage what there is left.
- A major part of an ecosystem is completely destroyed by MTR and other forms of strip mining. No one knows or can speculate how long it will take for the ecosystem to regenerate itself. Endangered species on these lands will be further impacted negatively.
- The ugliness created by MTR boggles the mind. It is difficult for most persons to see the extent of the devastation from down in the hollows. From a flyover it is impossible for those involved in MTR to hide their destruction.
- The blasting from MTR often damages houses and other structures, and the dust that is generated is not only a severe nuisance, but also a health hazard.
- Ground water veins are disrupted and wells often go dry in areas close to an MTR operation.
These are some of the impacts – no doubt you are aware of more.
Send your letter to:
Chief US District Judge Charles Haden II, PO Box 3924, Charleston, WV 25339 or e-mail him at <