Environmental Organizations, News Services & Related Offices
American Lands. 1025 Vermont Ave. NW 3rd Floor , Washington, D.C. 20005, (202) 879-3188 Email: wafcdc@igc.org
Appalachian Restoration Campaign (ARC)--a project of HEARTWOOD, Attention: Jason Halbert, PO Box 2786, Charlottesville, VA 22902-2786, Phone: (804) 971-3898, Fax: (804) 970-1806, Email: arcmaps@firstva.com, Web page: http://www.heartwood.org/ARC
Appalachian Voices, 551 Cobbs Creek Road, Boone, NC 28607
Charleston Gazette, Attention: Ken Ward, 1001 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25330 , (304) 348-1702, Web page: http://www.wvgazette.com
CLEAR-- Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy & Research, Attention: Emily Headen, 1718 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009, Emails: emily@ewg.org, clear@ewg.org
Coal River Mountain Watch, Attention: Randy Sprouse, PO Box 18, Whitesville, WV 25209, Phone: (304) 854-2408, Email: crmwwood@cwv.net
Environmental Defense Fund, 257 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10010, Phone: (212) 505-2100, Web page: www.edf.org, Toxic Release Inventory Web Page: http://www.scorecard.org
Environmental News Radio Show, Station WETS -- ETSU, PO Box 70630, Johnson City, TN 37614-0630, Email: envnews@intermediatn.net
Friends of the Cheat, Web Page: http://www.pitt.edu/%7Esteckel/cheat/
Friends of Deckers Creek, Web Page: http://www.labs.net/fodc/welcome.htm
Friends of the Earth, 1025 Vermont Ave., NW Suite 300,Washington, DC 20005
Grassroots Environmental Effectiveness Network (GREEN), Dir.'s Office: PO Box 40046. Albuquerque, NM 87196-0046, Phone: (508) 277-8302, Web page: http://www.defenders.org/grnhome.html, Email: rfeather@defenders.org. DC Office: 1101 14th St., NW Suite 1400, Washington, DC 20005, Emails : jlee@defenders.org, Ewingter@defenders.org
Greenpeace - US, 1436 U St.,NW, Washington, DC 20009, Phone: (202) 462-1177, Email: gary.cook@wdc.greenpeace.org, Web Page: http://www.greenpeaceusa.org
Heartwood, PO Box 1424, Bloomington, IN 47402, Phone: (812) 337-8898, Email: heartwd@bluemarble.net, Web page: http://www.bloomington.in.us/heartwood
Institute for Policy Studies, Attention: Daphne Wysham 733 15th St., NW Suite 1020, Washington, DC 20005, Email: dwysham@igc.apc.org
League of Conservation Voters-- Dirty Dozen List, Web page: http://www.lcv.org/dirtydozen/index.htm
Lucy Braun Association, Attention: Orie Loucks, Dept. of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, Phone: (513) 529-3100, Email: loucksol@muohio.edu
Mon Valley Green Space Coalition, Web page: http://www.literati.com/greenspace/
National Audubon Society -- WV Chapter, Web page: http://www.audubon.org/chapter/wv/index.html
National Resources Defense Council--Amicus Journal (publication), 40 West 20th St., New York, NY 10011, Email: amicus@nrdc.org
Native Forest Network, PO Box 8251, Missoula, MT 59807, Emails: nfn@sover.net & Nfn@wildrockies.org, Web page: http://www.nativeforest.org
The Nature Conservancy, 1815 North Lynn St., Arlington, VA 22209, Arlington, VA 22209, Phone: (703) 841-5300, Web page: http://www.tnc.org
New River Free Press, PO Box 846, Blacksburg, VA, 24063 Phone: (540) 951-7320
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, 1101 Sixth Ave. Suite 222, Huntington, WV 25701, Phone: (304) 522-0246, Web page: http://web.mountain.net/~jfout/
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), 2001 S St., NW, Washington, DC 20009, Phone: (202) 265-7337, Email: info@peer.org, Web site: http://www.peer.org
Rachel's Environmental & Health Weekly--Environmental Research Foundation, PO Box 5036, Annapolis, MD 21403, Email: erf@rachel.clark.net, Web page: http://www.monitor.net/rachel/
Sierra Club -- National, 85 Second St., San Francisco, CA 94105, Phone: (415) 977-5500, Web page: http://www.sierraclub.org
Sierra Club -- West Virginia Chapter, PO Box 4142, Morgantown, WV 26504. Chair: Laura Spadaro: Phone: (304) 472-5151, Email: lespadaro@wvwise.org. "Mountain State Sierran" Editor: Victoria Moss, Email: VICTORIA_MOSS.parti@pcusa.org, Web page: http://www.wvsierra.org
Solar Age Press, Attention: Jack Frazier, Box 610, Peterstown,WV 24963
Three Rivers Avian Center, HC 74 Box 279, Brooks, WV 25951, Phone: (304) 466-4683, Web page: http://www.trrc.org
Trees for the Planet, Inc., 6407 32nd St., NW, Washington, DC, Phone: (202) 362-8733, Email: goodwoods@aol.com
Union of Concerned Scientists, Two Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 02238-9105, Phone: (800) 666-8276, Email: ucs@ucsusa.org
Using Less Stuff Report--Partners for Environmental Progress, PO Box 130116, Ann Arbor, MI 48113, Phone: (734) 668-1690, Email: uls@cygnus-group.com, Web page: http://cygnus-group.com
US News & World Report (from Penny Loeb), Web page: http://www.wvcoalfield.com or http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/coalhigh.htm
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, PO Box 306, Charleston, WV 25321, Emails: daves@labyrinth.net (Admin. Ass't), breed@wvwise.org (Voice Ed.), Peter@clark.net (Web page Ed.), Web page: http://www.wvhighlands.org
West Virginia Rivers Coalition, Attention: Pamela C. Moe, 801 N. Randolph Ave., Elkins, WV 26241, Phone: (304) 637-7201, Email: pmoe@neumedia.net
West Virginia Organizing Project, Attention: Ashley Cochrane, , PO Box 1921, Logan, WV 25601, Phone: (304) 752-0901
West Virginia - State of, Web page: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/
Woods Hole Research Center, 13 Church St, PO Box 296, Woods Hole, MA 02543, Phone: (508) 540-9900, Email: info@whrc.org
World Watch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036, Phone: (202) 452-1999, Email: worldwatch@worldwatch.org, Web page: http://www.worldwatch.org
[Granted, this list is very incomplete. Should we issue a handbook that would more or less "have it all?" Let me know of your feelings on this. Editor] _