
October 13 thru 14 - Annual WVHC Board Meeting. [Note: the formal Fall Review has been canceled].

October 13 - The "Stop Mountaintop Removal / Stop the Flooding!" rally at the Governor’s mansion has been canceled.

October 13 and 14 - Eastern Forest Summit, 4-H Conference Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Details in August issue of The Highlands Voice. For further information contact Jad Daley at (609) 818-1776, e-mail

October 18 thru 19 - "A Match Made in ‘Almost Heaven’: Marrying West Virginia’s Economic and Environmental Future" Robert F Kennedy, Jr., keynote speaker. University of Charleston. Scholarships widely available. Call 342-6972 for details. See invitation letter.

October 18 thru 19 -- Commission on Religion in Appalachia (CORA), Annual Assembly. Black Mountain, North Carolina. Contact Janet at the OVEC office (304) 522-0246.

October 19 (Friday) - The Fall WV Partners in Flight Working Group Meeting will be held at 9:30 am at Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park in the Multipurpose Building. If you plan on attending please reply to Rob Tallman, the new Nongame Wildlife Biologist and Partners in Flight Coordinator, by e-mail or phone 637-0245 so that seating and lunch arrangements can be made. The agenda will be sent out as soon as it is finalized. The format for this meeting will be somewhat different from those in the past. We will spend more time in working group breakout sessions in order to review topics from the last meeting and to identify goals for the future.

October 20 - Public meeting at Tygart Valley High School at 7 PM to comment on the draft management plan of the Division of Forestry for the Kumbrabow State Forest.

"2001- An Outdoor Odyssey"- see outings schedule.

January 5th, 2002 - WVHC Board of Directors meeting

April 17, 2002 (Wednesday) - "Journeying toward Ecological Conversion: Practical Steps toward Earth-Friendly Facilities." A conference describing ways to make church and parish facilities more ecologically friendly will be sponsored by Catholic Committee of Appalachia at John XXIII Pastoral Center, Charleston, WV, on Wednesday, April 17, 2002.Cost of the Conference is $25. For more information, contact: Todd Garland at the Catholic Committee of Appalachia (304) 847-7215 or e-mail

May 10 thru 12, 2002 - Spring Review (Board meeting on the 12th)

July 13th, 2002 - Summer Board of Directors meeting

October 11 thru 13, 2002 - Fall Review (Board meeting on the 13th)