Call for WaterNet Submissions!
Deadline Nov. 27, 2000
A Message from Nathan Fetty
It’s time to publish another issue of WaterNet, the newsletter of the West Virginia Watershed Network (WVWN)!
The WVWN is an informal association of interests with a mission to collaboratively support efforts and provide resources necessary to empower local residents to make decisions for sustainable management of their resources.
To that end, WaterNet is a voice for West Virginia’s local watershed groups, and a clearinghouse for agencies looking to share their resources with these grassroots efforts.
If you’re a watershed group, you could share success stories (or experiences that didn’t work so well), fund raising tips, reviews of events, upcoming events, or other information you think others might enjoy and benefit from.
If you’re an agency, you could share info about resources available, technical information, services you offer, data/material you’re looking for from local watershed groups, trainings you provide, grants/funding you provide, etc.
Also, please think about photos, charts, graphs, etc. that would go well with your submissions.
This newsletter has been a great tool for passing on and receiving relevant, helpful information for agencies and watershed groups alike. Please help keep it that way by sending your submissions. If you have an idea, give me a shout and we’ll talk about it.
Feel free to spread this message far and wide!
DEADLINE IS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2000. Please send material electronically if at all possible.
Send to:
Nathan Fetty
801 N. Randolph Ave.
Elkins, WV 26241
phone: 304-637-7201
fax: 304-637-4084
Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon.