By Steven Biel, US PIRG
In an unprecedented move to enforce the Clean Air Act, the EPA today filed law suits against seven of the biggest and most polluting utility companies in the country. The suits allege that the companies violated the Clean Air Act by failing to install equipment to control smog, soot, and acid rain, while making major modifications to extend the lives of grandfathered plants. Under the Clean Air Act, major modifications to extend the lives of grandfathered plants require installation of the "best available technology" to control pollution.
These suits are big news, and we anticipate that they will receive significant national and local coverage in today and tomorrow. Folks should call and offer quotes to key reporters this afternoon.
Here’s our message/quotes:
"We applaud EPA for taking this important step to bring some of the nation’s most polluting companies into compliance with the Clean Air Act," said Rebecca Stanfield, Clean Air Advocate for U.S. PIRG. "These utilities have thumbed their noses at the Clean Air Act, and at over one hundred million people who live in areas not meeting basic health standards for air pollution," she continued.
"EPA has identified 32 plants violating the Clean Air Act from just 8 companies. This is just the tip of the iceberg and we expect that further investigation will uncover even more violations," said Stanfield.
Today dirty power plants are the largest industrial source of the air pollution that triggers asthma attacks and cuts short the lives of thousands of Americans each year.
The plants named in the suits by state are:
Ohio (company--plant name--location)
American Electric Power (AEP)--Cardinal--Brilliant, OH
AEP--Muskigum River--Beverly, OH
Cinergy--Beckjord--New Richmond, OH
FirstEnergy--Sammis--Jefferson, OH
West Virginia
AEP--Mitchell--Moundsville, WV
AEP--Philip Sporn--New Haven, WV
AEP--Tanner's Creek--Lawrenceburg, IN
Cinergy--Cayuga--Cayuga, IN
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric--F.B. Culley--Evansville, IN
Illinois Power--Baldwin--Baldwin, IL
Southern Co.--Barry--Bucks, AL
Southern Co.--Gorgas--Parrish, AL
Southern Co.--Miller--Quinton, AL
Tennessee Valley Auth. (TVA)--Widows Creek--Stevenson, AL
TVA--Colbert--Tuscumbia, AL
Southern Co.--Bowen--Cartersville, GA
Southern Co.--Scherer--Juliette, GA
Tampa Electric Co.--Big Bend--Tampa
Tampa Electric Co.--Gannon--Tampa
TVA--Bull Run--Clinton, TN
TVA--Cumberland--Cumberland City
TVA--John Sevier--Rogersville
TVA--T.H. Allen--Memphis
TVA--Paradise--Drankesboro, KY