Let’s Work for Safe Drinking Water
By Nathan Fetty
The next big clean water issue is coming up much sooner than we’d like. It deals with the state’s drinking water standard (known as Category A), and industry’s attempts to weaken it before the Environmental Quality Board (EQB). On May 16, the EQB will take up the drinking water standard a last time before sending it out for public comment. Then, you’ll have four to six weeks to comment on the rule.
If possible, it would be great for you to stop by this meeting! We need to make a strong showing as the Board deliberates this crucial drinking water protection. We haven’t seen an agenda yet, but will send it to you once we do, along with start time and directions. The meeting likely will start at 9 AM.
Here’s the background on drinking water: The state has historically designated all surface waters as drinking water supplies. (Category A means that the water, with conventional treatment, can be used for drinking.) Industry thinks it’s too restrictive to apply the standard to all surface waters, and that it should apply only to waters near municipal intakes.
We’ve contended that the standard should continue to apply to all waters because: 1) West Virginia is fortunate to have so many surface waters that are fit to be used as drinking water supplies, and we shouldn’t toss them aside, 2) applying the standard only to municipal intakes doesn’t account for the individual households and small communities that use surface waters for drinking water (and they’re out there!), and 3) anyone concerned with future development ought to make sure there are plenty of good drinking water sources available for future communities and growth.
Drinking water is shaping up to be a big issue in the 2002 legislative session, especially if EQB doesn’t give industry its way. Please come out to the EQB meeting on the 16th, if possible, and after that’s over, gear up for making a good showing during the public comment period.
If you have questions about anti-deg or Category A drinking water, please contact Nathan Fetty at (304) 637-7201, or e-mail nfetty@neumedia.net.
Nathan Fetty is the Conservation Director at the West Virginia Rivers Coalition.