Feb. 14 thru April 14
- WV 2001 legislative session.March 14 - "Nongame Day" at the Capitol Rotunda. 9 AM to 2 PM.
March 21 - E-Day at the Capitol Rotunda, Charleston.. Please come and participate! We have reserved both the Lower Rotunda area as usual and upstairs on the Senate side wing for our use. It will be nice to have displays/demonstrations upstairs (greater legislative captured audience) – as well as around the Rotunda. The actual program, including the award presentations, will still take place inside the Rotunda. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Anyone wanting to be on the E-Day planning committee are also encouraged to do so. Contact Denise Poole at <>
March 23 - State Capitol - "Rotunda Trails Roundup." Showcase your favorite trail (actual or proposed). Exhibitors will represent hiking, biking, equestrian, water, historical, scenic, and recreational trail projects. For more information, to register, or to reserve tables, etc. contact West Virginia Trails Coalition. Phone 755-4878, Fax 755-4887.
March 30 thru April 1, 2001 - Twenty-fourth Annual Conference of the Appalachian Studies Association, "Standing on the Mountain, Looking to the Future" Snowshoe Mountain conference Center, Pocahontas County, WV. The ASA brings together scholars, teachers, community and regional activists, entrepreneurs, planners, officials, families, young people, old people – people who care passionately about the region and want to help make it a better place. For more info write Regional Research Institute, WVU, PO Box 6825, Morgantown, WV 26506, Web site: <>
April 7 -
The Maryland Alliance for Greenway Improvement and Conservation(MAGIC) is planning a regional meeting at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, to launch the Appalachian Wildlands Preserve Project. See the full details of this conference on page 13.April 7 & 8 - "Webster Wildwater Weekend," sponsored by the Horizon Line River Club. All river lovers invited to join. Contact Mike Surbaugh, HLRC President, 202 River Dr.,Webster Springs , WV 26288. Phone: 847-5449 e-mail: <>
April 20 -
CAG Earth Day fund raiser. Coonskin Park, Charleston. Live music, food, drink. Keynote speaker, Doug LaFollette, "From black smoke to backlash: history of the modern environmental movement." Tickets, $25/person;$40/couple. For tickets or information call Linda at CAG office 346-5891, or e-mail <>April 22
- Earth Day-tona at Shepherd College is on April 22nd. It usually starts at 10:00am and runs until 10:00pm. Throughout the day we have various activities, such as a tricycle race, raffles, keynote speakers, and lastly the reason for Earth Day-tona, boothes, tables and displays promoting environmental education and awareness. The booths are free so if your organization would like to setup a display or table for an issue you are more than welcome to. This Event usually draws in a crowd of 600 or more. If you are interested Earth Day-tona or have questions, send an email to <> or call us at: 304-876-5184. For additional information you can check out our website at: <>April 27 thru 29 - Spring Review at Canaan Valley (Board meeting on the 29th). See preliminary information on page 2.
May 5 (Sat.) - Debbie Kunkel’s Greenland Gap festival. Keep in touch for details.
May 5 - Grand opening of new Avian Hospital at Three Rivers Avian Center. Ceremonies begin at 1:30 PM. Bird walks, face paintings and more. For info check web page <> or call 1-800-721-5252.July 14 (Sat.) - Summer 2001 WVHC board meeting.
July 27 thru 29 - 2nd annual Sustainability Fair, "Think Green." WV Wesleyan College, Buckhannon. Contact Denise at <> for further info.October 12 thru 14 - Fall Review (Board meeting on the 14th).
"2001- An Outdoor Odyssey"- see
outings schedule