Hey Everybody!
The New Improved Edition of the Conservancy's Monongahela National Forest
Hiking Guide, by Alan deHart and Bruce Sundquist, is "Imminent"! (That
means the new edition will be out and for sale in a week or so.)
- - - - Yeah, yeah, we've been hearing that for months.
No, seriously, it's at the printer's as we go to press with this issue of
the Voice!
- - - - So, like, what's in the new edition?
All new photos, a number of new trails, an updated format, and more!
There will be a full review in the next edition of the Voice.
- - - - I don't need to wait for a review -- how do I order a copy?
Send $12.95 plus $3.00 for shipping to Conservancy Administrative
Assistant Dave Saville, at PO Box 306, Charleston, WV 25321. For multiple
copies, call Dave at 304-594-2276 for a shipping price. Dave also can
tell you about paying with a credit card.