HELP-----------FLOOD RELIEF----------HELP

The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy is undertaking a flood relief campaign to help out our friends and neighbors throughout West Virginia who have had their lives turned upside down by the recent flooding. We have already amassed significant contributions and are loading a trailer with bottled water, cleaning supplies and other items, to send to the southern counties hardest hit by this disaster.

We would like to do more -- and many of our members have asked how they can help. We have established a special flood relief fund to rush disaster relief to those who need it the most.

Poor logging practices and mountain top removal of coal have had a significant worsening effect on the flooding. We believe that our efforts to better regulate the logging and mining industry is part of the long-term solution to many of these flooding disasters.

Until we can force compliance with existing laws, and get stricter water quality regulations enacted, we must help address the immediate effects of the current abuses. If you would like to contribute, please send your tax deductible contributions to WVHC PO Box 306 Charleston, WV 25321, and earmark it for "Flood relief".

We also need folks to volunteer to help load trucks and purchase and accumulate relief supplies, and help us with delivery. We are organizing some crews of folks to actually get their hands dirty and help with the clean-up. If you have some time, and would like to volunteer to help us with this effort, we can use you. Please contact one of the following folks:

Dave Saville,
e-mail , phone 284-9548;

Julian Martin,
e-mail, phone 342-8989;

Kathy Judge,
e-mail ;

or Bob Marshall,
e-mail, phone 372-7501.