January 13 (Sat.) -
WVHC Winter board meeting.January 21 (Sun.) - Forest Watch meeting in conjunction with The Wilderness Society. 10AM to 2 PM at Cheat River Inn, Elkins.
January 23 thru 25. Teach-In – "Safe Environment, Safe Communities and a Safe Future for Our Children.." Particular focus will be on the October coal slurry sludge spill in KY. Student Center at Marshall U. Call OVEC for details at 522-0246, e-mail
February 3 thru 5:
SierraFest 2001. Charleston. On Saturday outing at Kanawha State Forest 9 AM - 2PM. Meet at Wendy’s on Washington St. near the capitol. Leader, Jim Saulters; OR outing at Kayford Mt. 9 AM - 2 PM. Also meet at Wendy’s, leaders. Larry Gibson and Laura Spadaro. From 3 to 5 PM meet at ST Luke’s Episcopal Church for MTR forum. From 6:30PM to 9PM, Speaker Robbie Cox, Keynote address by Denise Giardina.On Sunday outing at Kayford Mt, same details as for Saturday. Lobbyist and Activist Training program 3 PM to 4:30 PM at St Luke’s church. Topics, elect dereg and timber regulation.
Monday (for those who can stay) – lobbying, editorial calls.
February 10: WVEC Board of Directors meeting.
March 26: E-Day at the Capitol Rotunda, Charleston..
March 30 thru April 1, 2001 - Twenty-fourth Annual Conference of the Appalachian Studies Association, "Standing on the Mountain, Looking to the Future" Snowshoe Mountain conference Center, Pocahontas County, WV. The ASA brings together scholars, teachers, community and regional activists, entrepreneurs, planners, officials, families, young people, old people – people who care passionately about the region and want to help make it a better place. For more info write Regional Research Institute, WVU, PO Box 6825, Morgantown, WV 26506.
Web site:
April 27 thru 29 -
Spring Review (board meeting on the 29th).July 14 (Sat.) - Summer 2001 WVHC board meeting.
October 12 thru 14 - Fall Review (board meeting on the 14th).
"2001- An Outdoor Odyssey"- see outings schedule.