Message from John McFerrin
The Conservancy is making progress on its timbering legislation. Frank, Judy, and I met with Mike Withers and Lisa Diehl (lobbyist and organizer) to talk about strategy, make task lists, etc.
Here is a task you can help with: Lisa could be a lot more effective with lists of specific people to talk to rather than starting from scratch. Those of us who met with her and Mike tried to come up with a list of names, but the Board as a whole could no doubt come up with a much bigger list. Please scratch your heads, study your rolodexes, and come up with people she could contact. You may sent them to me via e-mail ( or directly to Lisa ( Or you may snail mail them to WVHC, PO Box 306, Charleston, WV 25321. If you would be able to contact the people on the list to pave the way for Lisa’s contact, please indicate that as well.Thank you for your help.