Bits ’n Pieces

Keeping Tabs on Your Legislators

For those who want to keep a close tab on what is going on in the current doin’s of the legislature, Linda Mallet has the good word on this.

Says Linda: To get a free copy of a bill or to leave a message for your legislator, call the capitol at 800/642-8650 or the number for the local Charleston is 347-4800. The website for Legislative Services is

You can also e-mail your legislator via Legislative Services at <> Be sure to put the Senator or Delegate's name in the subject line so your message can be delivered.

Thanks for this timely information, Linda!. ª

Minority Report On Line

Peter Shoenfeld has put John’s Task Force Minority Report in toto on The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy forum site:


Quotes in the News

"Empirically, I can look at the reclamation sites and see there aren’t any problems. I can see that with my eyes. If in the last 25 years there hasn’t been environmental damage, then additional environmental damage that is done in the next two years it would take to do the study would be insignificant. I don't believe it would be so bad that we should wait (to issue permits)."

-- DEP Director Michael Miano speaking before the House Finance Committee on mountaintop removal permits. [Michael, the Republicans in Congress could use your "empirical eyes!" Ed.]

"We all understand... that when streams are diverted, trees are cut, aquatic life is disturbed, human residents and animal residents are affected, that this is an area where you cannot unring the bell."

-- Chief U.S. District Judge Charles Haden II during a hearing in which he issued a 10-day temporary restraining order against Arch Coal.

(Thanks to Lynn Degen for these fines quotes!) ª