Please Be a Volunteer!
Canyon Critters Help Save Blackwater Home
By Vivian Stockman
Blackie, a costumed caricature of the endangered Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel, and Sallie, a life-size version of the threatened Cheat Mountain Salamander, have helped volunteers collect over 2000 signatures on "Save Blackwater Canyon" petitions since Blackwater Summer began just weeks ago. These critters and their helpers have appeared at 11 events around the state. Julian Martin, Mae Ellen Wildt and Denise Poole have been organizing volunteers (forty have signed up so far!) who attend events, petitions in hand, to educate the public. The signatures we collect will be delivered to politicians in Charleston and DC, and to the news media, as we insist on special protective status for the Canyon.
Julian and Mae Ellen say, "We have been at events where we could have gotten over a thousand signatures if we had enough volunteer help. This is a very popular issue-about 80% of the people approached sign the petition. People are really concerned about the environment and want something done -- they want to help us get something done!"
Please join us in this fun way to make a difference. To volunteer, call or e-mail: Julian is at, phone 304-524-7609, and Mae Ellen is at, phone 342-8989. Just think – you could be contributing to a better West Virginia for future generations.