Eastern Forest Summit
October 13th and 14th, 2001
4_H Conference Center in Bethesda, Maryland

Come join fellow eastern forest activists and advocates for a weekend of celebration, visioning and planning for the protection and restoration of the eastern forests. It is time for eastern forest advocates to rally together and bring the nation's attention to the forests out America's back door - the eastern forests. These are the forests where most Americans live, the source of everything from clean air and water to wildlife and recreation for two_thirds of the American people. It is time to tell our story and be heard.

The Summit will help us:

--Learn about the ecoregions in the eastern forests.
--Get a report on the threats to eastern forests and their current ecological status.
--Shape a unique identity for eastern forests.
--Explore public attitudes towards eastern forests and possible effective messages.
--Evaluate opportunities for future collaboration between eastern forest groups.

If you want to participate, please contact:
Jad Daley, Coordinator, Appalachian Partnership for Eastern Forests. e-mail: amccons@mindspring.com, 609_818_1776