August 11 (Saturday) -
Stop Mountain Range Removal Strategy Meeting 10 AM to 4 PM. Asbury United Methodist Church, 501 Elizabeth St., Charleston, WV. Since the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals tossed out Judge Haden’s ruling on valley fills, many people have wondered what is next in our push for an end to mountain range removal. All interested groups and individuals are urged to attend this joint strategy meeting. Where do we go next in terms of lawsuits, actions, public opinion and legislative action? It would be great if each of us could arrive with a list of ideas and concerns. If you can, please bring vittles to share for lunch. (But please don’t let that stop you from coming if you haven’t the time to prepare anything!) OVEC will provide drinks and desserts.August 11- Dr. James Ebeling is holding a free lecture at The Freshwater Institute from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM entitled "Engineering Assessment of Alternative Wastewater Treatment Options for Individual Residences." This course is being presented by the National Environmental Training Center for Small Communities (NETCSC) based out of Morgantown, WV. If you would like to attend or need more information contact Matthew Mullenax at <>.
August 18 (Saturday) - The rescheduled summer WV Highlands Conservancy Board of Directors meeting has been cancelled.
September 22 - Shaver’s Fork Coalition benefit concert. Spelunker’s Camp, East Dailey, WV, south of Elkins. See details in this issue.
October 12 thru 14 - Fall Review (Board meeting on the 14th).
"2001- An Outdoor Odyssey"- see outings schedule in this issue.
October 13 and 14 - Eastern Forest Summit, 4-H Conference Center in Bethesda, Maryland. See detailed announcement in this issue.
April 17, 2002 (Wednesday) - "Journeying toward Ecological Conversion: Practical Steps toward Earth-Friendly Facilities." A conference describing ways to make church and parish facilities more ecologically friendly will be sponsored by Catholic Committee of Appalachia at John XXIII Pastoral Center, Charleston, WV, on Wednesday, April 17, 2002.Cost of the Conference is $25. It will be possible for participants to stay over on Tuesday and/or Wednesday evening by contacting John XXIII Center directly at (304) 342-0507. For more information, contact: Todd Garland at the Catholic Committee of Appalachia (304) 847-7215 or e-mail < >; Patricia Peters, OP at (304) 335-6815 or <>; Carol Warren, Justice and Life Office (304)343-3360 <>. Brochures describing the conference in greater detail will be available shortly. _