Mega-rally For The Mountains

Mountain Top Removal? We Can Do Better!


State Capitol Grounds, Charleston, WV

Join us as for a mega-rally of passionate mountaineers standing their ground for the mountains!

If YOU can do only ONE thing to

SAVE our mountains, THIS IS IT.

Music, Displays and Information

Keynote Speaker: Native daughter and award winning author Denise Giardina

Co-sponsored by the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition and WV Citizens Action Group. Call 304 522 0246 for more information.

If not now, then when? If not you, then who?

Tell your friends, fill your car! (Allow time for parking.)

Overnight camping available at Kayford Mountain.

See mountaintop removal up close. Call Larry Gibson at 304 586 3287.

Free Flyovers of Mountaintop Removal Sites

before and after the rally, and on Sunday morning. Sponsored by Southwings and Appalachian Voices. To schedule a flight (first reserved, first served), Call Randy Sprouse of Coal River Mountain Watch, at 304-854-2182 by Friday, April 23.

Other sponsors include: WV Highlands Conservancy, WV Environmental Council, WV Rivers Coalition, Harrison County ECO, Concerned Citizens’ Coalition, Allegheny Defense League, Heartwood, Citizens Coal Council.