This excellent following letter was published in the Charleston Gazette on March 29

Water Quality Essential to State


The new governor, with so many other things to do, has encountered a troublesome mess - the Legislature is considering the "degradation" of our streams’ water quality!

To the extent that West Virginia has high-quality streams, it may be due to our tradition of protection. As much as our mountains, our streams characterize West Virginia.

Polluting industries would like to change this. They have been pushing the Legislature hard. Their propaganda literature suggests municipal water suppliers, even a "West Virginia Rural Water Association," are supporters.

The real water plants that treat and purify water for communities know stream water supplies can become more costly and even impossible to use.

Many polluting industry backers of this bad bill (Petroleum Council, Coal Association, Forestry Association, contractors, etc.) all use this water, and it is shortsighted of them to suggest increased treatment costs will not affect them.

The polluters list some kind of "tourism" group as a supporter. How likely is it that the growing recreation and tourism industries (public and private) would support quality degradation? Their very existence directly depends on it.

Donald C. Gasper

Don Gasper is a member of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Board of Directors.