A Plea from Julian Martin
We need volunteers to help get out newsletters, etc., on Blackwater Canyon at our office in the Asbury Methodist Church in Charleston. Contact me through email or call me at 342-8989(home) or 345-7663(Office number) if you can help.
Judy Rodd, the driving force behind the Blackwater Canyon campaign, needs help paying the rent on the office at Asbury. Currently she is paying the rent from her own pocket. The rent is $100 per month. I just pledged $25 a month. Anyone wanting to contribute any amount to the rent send your pledge and contributions to Judy Rodd, Asbury United Methodist Church, 501 Elizabeth Street, Charleston, 25311 WV. Make checks out to Judy Rodd and indicate it is for office rent.
(Julian Martin is a board member of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy and the Director of the WVHC Speakers’ Bureau.)