Questions Raised about Proposed Mine Safety Testing Facility
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) wants to build a facility that it could use for studies [...]
President Trump Signs Executive Order to Speed up Pipeline Construction
By John McFerrin On April 10, 2019, President Trump signed the Executive Order on Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth. Its goal is to speed up the construction of oil [...]
By John McFerrin One of the books of my youth was If Everybody Did. It was a series pictures of behaviors followed by what would happen if everyone took the [...]
The spring Board meeting of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy was more informational than decisional. We had the usual presentations on the status of the organization: financial (not broke; not [...]
By John McFerrin There have been some developments of interest to those who are concerned that large strip mines might be making people sick. The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has [...]
Interior Department Must Do Environmental Assessment Before Leasing Coal on Public Lands
A United States District Court in Montana has ruled that the United States Departmental of the Interior acted illegally when it tried to lift a memorandum on leasing coal on [...]
By Dave Cooper Recent articles in The Highlands Voiceabout the proposed Big Run Pump Storage project in Tucker County written by Kent Karriker and Randy Kesling have been both interesting [...]
The Broad Form of the Company’s Deeds
(Grandad all you bought was the air) .„and excepting and reserving all the coal and other minerals and other substances on, in, and underlying said land together with the [...]
The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Fall Review will be Oct. 18-19-20, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Put it on your calendar now, in big letters, and plan to be there. We [...]
Big Run Pump Storage Project Appears to be Dead
Last month Randy Kesling updated you on the continuing saga of the pump storage project proposed by FreedomWorks, LLC for the Big Run area of Tucker County. You may recall that [...]
Still in Need of Something to read?
The Central Appalachian Red Spruce Initiative. (West Virginia Highlands Conservancy is a partner in CASRI) was an important part of a feature article in the Energy and Environment News. The [...]
By Steve Mace This past Sunday while I was botanizing in Lawrence County, Kentucky, I spotted my first of the season Falcate Orangetip, my favorite butterfly. The life history of [...]
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Makes Pipeline Permitting Easier
By John McFerrin The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has changed the conditions that are placed on permits for stream and wetland crossings for natural gas pipelines. Background [...]
How Stands the Atlantic Coast Pipeline?
If it seems as if there has not been much going on with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) lately, it is because there hasn’t. Construction activities on the Atlantic Coast [...]
Opposing Narrowing Clean Water Protections
By John McFerrin The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, along with the West Virginia Rivers Coalition and several other groups, has commented on the latest proposal to restrict the coverage of [...]
Stalking the Stream Critters, aka “Benthic Macroinvertebrates”
By Cindy Ellis Recently I joined volunteers who wanted to know more about living beings in West Virginia’s waterways. Fifteen of us gathered on the banks of Davis Creek in [...]
The mountains received some severe windy and rainy weather during March and April. Driving through the mountain’s unpaved roads you can see the evidence in the form of numerous potholes, [...]