Corridor H’s Construction Company Facing Fines
By John McFerrin From the project’s beginning the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has opposed Corridor H. Even when it was only an idea--with nothing on the ground—we thought it was a [...]
February continued the onslaught of freezing temperatures and strong winds (causing wind chills to drop below zero), along with snowstorm after snowstorm blanketing most of the highlands in a wintry [...]
Forest Service Gauley Project Scrutinized
By Kent Karriker The Monongahela National Forest has proposed to conduct over 2,600 acres of timber harvest and several hundred acres of prescribed fire on the Gauley District near the [...]
By John McFerrin International Dark Sky Week is coming up April 5-12. West Virginia has several reasons, and places, to celebrate. Dark Sky Week is a project of the International Dark [...]
National Academy of Sciences Makes Recommendations for Addressing Climate Change
By Perry Bryant In a recently released report the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (Academy) recommends that the United States adopt a modest carbon tax, use clean energy [...]
Overappreciated Prognosticators; Underappreciated Interior Designers
By John McFerrin Now we have a few more data points in the ongoing effort to determine if groundhogs really can predict the weather. Punxsutawney Phil—the national groundhog by virtue of his [...]
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Seeks Program Director
WVHC, now in its 54th year, currently serves approximately 1,500 members and supporters with a strong history of promoting, encouraging, and working for the conservation and an appreciation of the natural resources [...]
By John McFerrin For the latest of what seemed like too many times in a row we gathered in our little Zoom boxes to take care of the West Virginia [...]
by Lenore McComas Coberly; reviewed by Cindy Rank A journey through a life well lived The song of Lenore McComas Coberly’s life is sung in brief stories that span some 95 [...]
Ever wonder what’s the best way to offset your carbon footprint? There’s a website for that
There are a number of places on the Internet where you can purchase “carbon offsets” by planting trees or other activities to take out of the atmosphere as much carbon [...]
By Lenore Coberly We drive down the Little Kanawha late in life, enfolded by green hills in spring leaf, at speed limits forty on curves, a constant in these parts. [...]
A monthly publication such as The Highlands Voice is a lousy place to get legislative news. This early in the session things change day to day. Later on, they will be changing minute to [...]