Question of Nuclear Power back on the Table in West Virginia
By John McFerrin For over twenty years using nuclear energy to generate electricity in West Virginia has not been a realistic possibility because it was effectively banned by statute. Now there [...]
Winter is marching through the highlands with freezing temperatures, strong winds (causing temperatures and wind chills to drop below zero on many of occasions) and several snowstorms blanketing the mountains. [...]
Doughnut Economics: Linking Environmental and Human Concerns with the Economy
By Jackie Burns There is a new idea among some modern economists that should be of interest to those of us long concerned about the environment. This idea recognizes that endless [...]
Appalachia's Alternatives to Mainstream America by Paul Salstrom (University of Tennessee Press, 2021) Reviewed by Julian Martin and John McFerrin This is a blend of personal memoir, scholarship about southern West [...]
Conserving Birds in a Changing Climate
By Cynthia Ellis WVHC, we think, was justifiably proud of the line-up of presenters arranged for our virtual Fall Review in 2021. That pride extends to offering some of that information [...]
By Cindy Rank We’ve seen it before with coal and now it’s happening with gas. On the coal front we have seen third parties contracted to reclaim forfeited coal mine [...]
Supporting the Wilderness Climate:
The First Season of Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards Part 3: The Seeds of Popularity By Dave Johnston In the first two parts of this article, which is based on the [...]
Dear Editor, The January Voice had an essay from Perry Bryant in which he disputed part of Dr. Randi Pokladnik’s piece in the December issue on Carbon Capture and Storage, [...]
Lexington Coal Clean-Up Plan for Mingo County Mines
By Mike Toney A coal company responsible for some of the highest discharges of a pollutant with toxic effects for West Virginia’s aquatic life has proposed a cleanup plan under [...]
In December, 2021, The Highlands Voice published an article asserting that carbon capture and storage is not all that it is cracked up to be as a tool to fight climate change. Carbon [...]
We started off with the businessy business (reviewing the financial report, approving a budget for next year) and then listened to Dave Saville report on strong membership and annual fund [...]
There are numerous parameters to be used in the study and evaluation which will serve as the indicators of the potential of ORV effects if permitted on the public lands [...]