DEP Does “Enforcement” at Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has taken enforcement action against the Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline. In a letter to the Department, the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has joined with [...]
Watching it snow here on the mountain, I realized that old man winter certainly has a strong grip on the highlands and will for some time. Mixed in were thoughts [...]
Update on Proposed Pump Storage Project in Tucker County
By Kent Karriker In the December 2018 Voice, we first alerted you to the pump storage project that has been proposed by FreedomWorks, LLC for a site in Tucker County. [...]
‘Grinches’ not those of us living in pipeline’s path
This is a piece of astounding falsehoods. Gas pipelines are not safe, clean, nor quiet. They hold the potential to leak to air, water, and land. Remember the explosion at [...]
Now that Beth Little has a moved on (see story on p. 14) we are fortunate to have Dave Saville returning to his old position as Membership Secretary/Administrative Assistant. He [...]
By Hugh Rogers The end-of-year National Energy Conference at WVU Law School, “Climate Change Issues Update,” offered too much to cover in one Voice.Last month, we reviewed issues, communication and [...]
Editor: Regarding a recent article on so-called global waning, a number of points should be considered. I understand the myth of so-called global warning ls based on computer simulations. In [...]
The rumor around the West Virginia Legislature is that there will be no bill authorizing timbering in State Parks this year. Rumor has it that the public uproar at such [...]
Pipeline CSI: On the Ground & In the Air
The Pipeline Air Force conducted three ACP surveillance flights over the 200-mile CSI focus area in November and December of 2018. Flights on November 18 and December 12 covered the [...]
Saying Goodbye: Beth Little Starts a New Chapter
By John McFerrin As of the beginning of 2019, Beth Little has left her position as Membership Secretary/Administrative Assistant. We are sad to see her go. She had wanted to [...]
By John McFerrin It was not a fit night out for man nor beast as the Board gathered in Charleston for the winter meeting. Any impulse towards soliloquy, rambling, exhortation, [...]