• Golden Glow

    Our 50th Anniversary celebration was a success! I was up in the pre-dawn of the day after; racing to type what I remember of a great weekend for the West […]

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  • Anniversary Celebration a Rousing Success!

    By John McFerrin The Fiftieth Anniversary celebration of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy was that splendid combination of fun and opportunities to learn stuff.  We had a paddling trip, a […]

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  • West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Officers and Directors

    Cynthia D. Ellis Cynthia D. Ellis [Cindy] is a retired teacher, environmental volunteer, and enthusiastic birder.  She’s a veteran contributor to state and federal bird population studies and enjoyed terms […]

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  • The Rest of the Story

    This issue of The Highlands Voice celebrates our 50th Anniversary and looks at some of the things we have been involved in during the past fifty years.  No look at […]

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  • A Celebratory Hike

    To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy and the 75th anniversary of the Kanawha Trail Club we’re having a joint celebratory hike! It will be on […]

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  • Brooks Bird Club Celebrates Its 85th

    West Virginia Highlands Conservancy friend and institutional Board member The Brooks Bird Club is celebrating its 85th Anniversary.  Congratulations! The Brooks Bird Club, Inc. is an independent, educational, non-profit organization […]

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  • Water Over the Dams These Last 50 Years

    By Cindy Rank Just as bumper stickers claiming ‘Water is Life’ can be seen everywhere, one might say water has pretty much been the lifeblood of the West Virginia Highlands […]

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  • Working on Gas Almost Since the Beginning

    By Cindy Rank West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has worked on gas drilling issues since the 1980s.  We participated with allies in Legislative hearings and negotiations aimed toward enacting the Surface […]

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  • The Highlands Conservancy’s Contributions to Wilderness

    By George E. Beetham Jr Before the coming of European explorers and settlers, all of the land in what is now West Virginia was wilderness. Much of the land defied […]

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  • Canaan Valley for the Future

    The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy was one of many non-governmental organizations and individuals whose support was instrumental in conserving a large portion of Canaan Valley as a National Wildlife Refuge.  […]

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