• Pipeline Construction Monitoring and Compliance

    By April Crowe Keeping up with pipeline construction is enough to make anyone’s head spin! The 3 major pipelines currently under construction–Atlantic Coast (ACP), Mountain Valley (MVP) and Mountaineer Xpress […]

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  • Another Pipeline Controversy in North Carolina

    In North Carolina there is an ongoing uproar over approval of a state water pollution permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, with words such as “pay-for-play” and “slush fund” being […]

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  • 49th

    That’s West Virginia’s ranking in the 2018 State Energy Efficiency Scoreboard published by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).. This represents a drop of two positions from 2017.  […]

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  • Mary Wimmer Gets an Award

    Mary Wimmer was recently honored by the Morgantown Convention and Visitors Bureau with the Star of Industry Award.  This award recognizes those who go above and beyond in the tourism […]

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  • Climate Change Persuasion

    By Hugh Rogers Early Saturday morning, December 1st, at the Law School in Morgantown, Tom Rodd is bouncing around the lobby, greeting, quarterbacking, telling stories. Coffee and Danish are available, […]

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  • Thoughts from our president

    Proposed Big Run Pump Storage Project in Tucker County, West Virginia Kent Karriker’s article in the December Highlands Voice,page 4, provides a great explanation of the application to the Federal […]

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  • Court Stops Atlantic Coast Pipeline from Crossing National Forests

    By John McFerrin The United States Court of Appeals has stopped the Atlantic Coast Pipeline from crossing the Monongahela National Forest and the George Washington National Forest.  The Court concluded […]

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  • 2018

    The Highlands Voice The Monthly Publication of West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

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  • Canaan Wildlife Refuge Drops Plan for Commercial Logging

    By Rick Steelhammer A plan to commercially log more than 1,600 acres of the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge to achieve plant and wildlife habitat improvement goals has been dropped. […]

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  • Mapping Mountaintop Coal Mining’s Yearly Spread in Appalachia

    By Robin A. Smith DURHAM, N.C. — The coal industry may have declined in the last decade because of the rise of cheap natural gas, but a coal mining method […]

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