• New West Virginia Land Trust preserve a Mammoth undertaking

    By Rick Steelhammer A 5,000-acre expanse of woodland and former surface mines along the Kanawha-Fayette County line east of Mammoth is being repurposed as a public recreation area and a […]

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  • Book News: Death in Mud Lick by Eric Eyre

    Reviewed by Cindy Ellis A book on the opioid crisis might seem a stretch for readers interested in issues of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy.  In the book no mountains […]

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  • Meanwhile, in the Jefferson National Forest

    So much for recent Corps and Fish and Wildlife actions.  Also, on Friday, September 25th, the U.S. Forest Service released its proposal for the 303-mile pipeline to pass through the Jefferson […]

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  • Groups Object to Mountain Valley Pipeline Stream Crossings

    In May, 2020, The Highlands Voice reported on a United States District Court in Montana that had ruled that the United States Army Corps of Engineers had improperly allowed a pipeline crossing […]

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  • A Tale of Two Plans

    The accompanying story discusses proposed regulations that would diminish the role of the National Forest Service in approving oil and gas development in the National Forests.  Diminishing the role of the […]

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  • Thoughts from our president

    It’s hard to believe that we are in October, but it is very evident witnessing the start of the annual transformation from green to the scarlet, purple, orange, yellow and […]

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  • More Drilling in the National Forests?

    By John McFerrin The United States Department of Agriculture (parent agency of the United States Forest Service) has proposed new regulations that would diminish the role of the Forest Service […]

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  • In the company of trees

    By Danske Dandridge If one wishes to be taken into the intimate confidence of a great tree, and to get the full enjoyment of Its strength and beauty, he should […]

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  • A New Use for Public Lands?

    Public lands, especially our National Forests, are managed for “multiple use.” By statute, they are required to be managed for the often competing values of recreation, grazing, timber, watershed protection, wildlife and fish, and wilderness. Historically, […]

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  • ClimateWise: The Causes of Climate Change

    By the Highlands Conservancy Climate Change Committee.             There are a number of causes for climate change; some are natural and some are anthropogenic – man made. Greenhouse gases are the […]

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