• Thoughts from our president

    Old man winter certainly has arrived in the highlands with freezing temperatures, strong winds (causing wind chills to drop below zero) and several snowstorms blanketing the mountains. It is impossible […]

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  • Atlantic Coast Pipeline Submits Cleanup Plan

    Now that the developers (Dominion) of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline have abandoned the project,  all that is left is to repair the disturbance that resulted from the partial pipeline construction.  The developers […]

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  • Stream Crossing Permits Here and There

    Stream Crossing Permits Here and There By Cindy Rank West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has once again linked arms with folks challenging the validity of the Keystone XL Pipeline permit for […]

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  • Another Baby Step Forward

    Last month The Highlands Voice reported that several groups had sued the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection.  They alleged that the DEP had changed the way it runs its mine bonding program […]

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  • Mountain Valley Pipeline – Latest Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Actions

    By Cindy Rank The saga of pipelines appears to have no end. FERC As the courts continue to wrangle with the adequacy of permits from federal agencies (Fish and Wildlife, […]

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  • More Questions about NIOSH Facility

    There are more, and ongoing, questions about the research facility that the National Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) wants to build on 461 acres in Randolph and Pocahontas Counties near […]

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  • The Greenbrier Southeast Project

    The Greenbrier Southeast (GSE) project is a proposed 16,888-acre forest management project in the upper reaches of the East Fork of the Greenbrier River in the Monongahela National Forest (MNF). […]

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  • Covid Relief and Climate Change

    There was also good news in the COVID-19 relief bill on climate change. Here are a few of the most important provisions.  The most important emissions-cutting measure in the bill […]

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  • Thurmond: Part of the New River Park and Preserve

    During the first two decades of the 1900s, Thurmond was a classic boomtown. With the huge amounts of coal brought in from area mines, it had the largest revenue on […]

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  • Thoughts from our president

    An incredibly challenging year has ended, but the Covid19 pandemic of 2020 continues its quest, radically changing our lives as we move into 2021. It is critically important that we […]

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