• Off-highway Vehicles: a Threat to Our Public Lands

    By Larry Thomas Efforts have been persistent in promoting off-highway vehicle recreation on our public lands, Federal and state, in West Virginia in the state legislature for the last two […]

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  • WV Legislature- Win Some, Lose Some

    By WVHC & WV E-Council legislative committees              Sort of like a high stakes poker game, the fate of environmental related bills in the West Virginia State Legislature is both chancy […]

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  • Board Highlights

    By John McFerrin             Once again the Board members (and a couple of their cats) climbed into their little Zoom boxes for the quarterly Board meeting.  We are thinking that this may […]

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  • They’re back!

    By John McFerrin        Brood X of the seventeen year cicadas will be emerging in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia in late May.          This is happening only in the eastern […]

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  • New Climate Goal for the US, Will Others Follow?

    On Earth Day, President Biden announced a new United States goal for meeting our obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement. The United States will reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by […]

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  • Methane

    Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, trapping heat in the atmosphere 30 times greater than carbon dioxide over a 100-year time frame. But unlike carbon dioxide that can impact the […]

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  • Conservancy Votes to Support Climate Change Legislation

    By Perry Bryant             In late March, President Biden proposed an infrastructure initiative that included major provisions addressing the climate crisis. Central to the President’s proposal on climate reform is a […]

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  • Spring

    Tree buds a bloomin Spring is a zoomin To turn the world green The leaves will be poppin There just ain’t no stoppin That photosynthetic scene Tree roots are a […]

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  • An Initial Examination of National Forest Management Response to Endangered Species Listing of the Candy Darter

    By Rick Webb The candy darter is a brightly colored 2 to 3-inch fish of mountain streams in the Gauley and New River watersheds of Virginia and West Virginia. Streams […]

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  • Another sign of spring

    It must be spring; the woodpeckers are drumming.        Woodpeckers make two distinct types of sounds.  One is the irregular pecking, with a couple of thumps, a moment of silence, and then […]

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