• Corridor H: Whose Highway?

    By Hugh Rogers          An elected official in Tucker County asked me where I was from. “Randolph County,” I said. “Kerens.” “Off the mountain,” she said. I nodded. Then she told […]

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  • 2021

    The Highlands Voice The Monthly Publication of West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Special offer: Sign up here for a free six-month trial to the Highlands Voice. Please consider becoming a WVHC […]

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  • The Highlands Voice Scoops The New York Times

    Date The Highlands Voice reported that Watoga State Park had achieved Dark Sky status:  November 1, 2021 Date The New York Times reported that Watoga State Park had achieved Dark Sky status:  November 8, 2021 So […]

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  • Learning Where the Birds Go

    The September, 2021, issue of The Highlands Voice had a story of the installation of tracking equipment at the Hanging Rock Raptor Observatory in Monroe County.  While birders have been going there for years […]

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  • West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Sets Legislative Priorities

    What legislative advocacy the Highlands Conservancy does is done through the West Virginia Environmental Council.  Because the Highlands Conservancy itself doesn’t have the resources or any special expertise to hire a […]

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  • Furious

    Wildland; The Making of America’s Fury by Evan Osnos, (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, New York, 2021). Reviewed by Cynthia D. Ellis Some of us, in the New Year, may be reflecting […]

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    Upon the bank a haze of bluets pool, and I wade there refreshed, lost in spring, myself, all I can get being on a bank in a haze of bluets… […]

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  • Supporting the Wilderness Climate

    By Dave Johnston The theme of the 2021 WVHC Fall Review was climate change. Global climate change is certainly affecting Dolly Sods, but in my presentation about Dolly Sods for […]

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  • Solutions for West Virginia Outside of Infrastructure Deals

    By Robert Beanblossom  Thanks to President Biden, West Virginia will receive billions of dollars in infrastructure funds.  However, if the state’s track record holds true, much of the money will […]

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  • Carbon Capture and Storage Is No Silver Bullet

    By Randi Pokladnik The bipartisan infrastructure package earmarks more than $8.58 billion for carbon capture and removal. Unfortunately, carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) is not the silver bullet needed to accomplish that […]

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