• How to Fix the Unfixable

    By Cindy Rank We’ve seen it before with coal and now it’s happening with gas. On the coal front we have seen third parties contracted to reclaim forfeited coal mine […]

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  • Conserving Birds in a Changing Climate

    By Cynthia Ellis WVHC, we think, was justifiably proud of the line-up of presenters arranged for our virtual Fall Review in 2021.  That pride extends to offering some of that information […]

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  • Book News

    Appalachia’s Alternatives to Mainstream America by Paul Salstrom (University of Tennessee Press, 2021) Reviewed by Julian Martin and John McFerrin             This is a blend of personal memoir, scholarship about southern West […]

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  • Doughnut Economics: Linking Environmental and Human Concerns with the Economy

    By Jackie Burns There is a new idea among some modern economists that should be of interest to those of us long concerned about the environment.  This idea recognizes that endless […]

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  • Thoughts from our president

    Winter is marching through the highlands with freezing temperatures, strong winds (causing temperatures and wind chills to drop below zero on many of occasions) and several snowstorms blanketing the mountains. […]

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  • Question of Nuclear Power back on the Table in West Virginia

    By John McFerrin             For over twenty years using nuclear energy to generate electricity in West Virginia has not been a realistic possibility because it was effectively banned by statute.  Now there […]

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  • Old Song

    This country     lays a living claim this hour,        the upsweep of ridges         rising beyond             the nearby band of burning, beating oranges                 and flickering yellows of foliage Cast in           vagrant, vast […]

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  • Something Useful from Acid Mine Drainage: Is that Possible?

    By John McFerrin One type of materials that is necessary for modern life is a class of minerals known as rare earth elements.  These elements are necessary components of modern technologies. […]

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  • Tributes to Frank Young

    *You have always been such a stable, thoughtful, reasonable personal friend, and foundation stone for so much that WVHC and other civic and environmental groups in WV have sought to do.  We already miss […]

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  • Remembering Frank Young

    By George Beetham Frank Young was president of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy when I got involved in the wind issue. I contacted the Conservancy over the the Nedpower project […]

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