• Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards Update

    By Dave Johnston The Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards are springing into the summer busy season at West Virginia’s most popular wilderness. Here is a recap of activities during June and […]

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  • All You Need to Know about ATVs on Public Lands

    The Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance Conservation Hub is a source for all manner of information on conservation issues of public concern. While much of the information it presents is public information, that public information […]

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  • Thoughts from our President

    Summer has arrived and It has been fantastic watching Mother Nature accomplishing her annual transformation of our Highlands during the last couple months. Trees have leafed out in their different […]

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  • Dam on Cheat River on its Way Out

    By John McFerrin There is a move afoot to remove the dam on the Cheat River which historically created the pool necessary for the operation of the Albright Power Station.  The […]

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  • Comings and Goings

    We welcome Cristyn Bauer as our new Membership and Fulfillment Secretary.  She has degrees from American Public University and Shepherd University.  Her most recent work experience was with the West Virginia Water […]

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  • Solar Electricity Program Points to Progress

    By Tom Rodd, Director, West Virginia Center on Climate Change. On May 16, three expert speakers at a “hybrid webinar” hosted in Morgantown WV by the West Virginia on Climate […]

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  • Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards Upcoming Activities

    By Dave Johnston In addition to the ongoing Trailhead Stewards program, where volunteers are posted at the trailhead every weekend, the Wilderness Stewards have several other efforts that should kick […]

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  • Dolly Sods Stewards Training

    By Dave Johnston The Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards program took a big jump forward on May 15 when about 30 new volunteers participated in Trailhead Stewards training. The training provides […]

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  • Painted Trillium – Trillium undulatum

    One of the most beautiful Spring flowers to be found in the mountains of West Virginia is the Painted Trillium.  Mainly only found at elevations above 2500 feet, the painted trillium […]

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  • The Future of Energy in West Virginia

    By John McFerrin The West Virginia Center for Energy and Sustainable, part of the West Virginia University College of Law, does research and analysis aimed at strengthening opportunities for West […]

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