Now that Beth Little has a moved on (see story on p. 14) we are fortunate to have Dave Saville returning to his old position as Membership Secretary/Administrative Assistant. He previously held that position for nine years, ending in 2007.
He left the first time to take a full time position with the Wilderness Society. In the twelve years he has been gone he has both finished shepherding through the Wild Monongahela Act(creating three new wilderness areas in the Monongahela National Forest, and adds acreage to three existing wilderness areas)and planted trees and created relationships in Kenya. As it happens, you can see him doing some Wild Mon Act shepherding in the picture on p. 14.
Many West Virginia Highlands Conservancy members will know him (and have planted trees with him) as part of his work with the Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative.
So, welcome back, Dave. It’s great to have you aboard again.