Trout Unlimited is working with the West Virginia Rivers Coalition to train volunteers to monitor streams that have the potential to be impacted by shale gas-related development and other non-point sources of water pollution. Cindy Ellis and Frank Young have been participating in this program in streams close Charleston and vicinity and give it two thumbs up. Now there will be another training session in Davis for anyone else who is interested.
The training will be on March 4, 2017, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the National Youth Science Center in Davis. To register, contact the Mid-Atlantic Angler Science Coordinator, Jake Lemon at 814-779-3965 or by Wednesday March 1, 2017. Directions to the training session and an agenda will be provided the week of the training.
The workshop has two goals. First, you will learn about the potential impacts to fish and wildlife resources in the shale gas region of West Virginia and Virginia. Second, you will learn to monitor the water quality in these areas.
Trout Unlimited and the West Virginia Rivers Coalition will work with these trained volunteers to conduct water quality monitoring in priority watersheds that have been identified by West Virginia Rivers Coalition and Trout Unlimited’s science team as critical for protecting ecologically significant lands and waters.
Another intended (or unintended) consequence) of the training is fun.