*You have always been such a stable, thoughtful, reasonable personal friend, and foundation stone for so much that WVHC and other civic and environmental groups in WV have sought to do.
We already miss you. We honor you. We pray that all of us, and especially your family, will grow beyond the grief that will be is felt when now that you leave you have left us.
In admiration and deep love…. Cindy Rank, WVHC board
*Looking back now, from the perspective of this loss, I see what a long time we’ve all worked together and counted on each other. In a difficult time, it was Frank who persuaded me to succeed him as president. Of course, I leaned on Cindy’s and John’s examples, but Frank was my immediate guide and confidant. I could never know as much as he did about all the issues that would come up. We are all — I mean the whole state — fortunate that he took responsibility in so many ways, for so many organizations. He was ever reliable. We are inspired to continue. ~Hugh Rogers, WVHC board
*I have been reading all of your tributes and remembrances of Frank all day, and I am touched. I knew him only through the pages of the 40th Anniversary history of WVHC, but I was impressed at how he led WVHC through the critical period of the early 2000s when so much was going on, and appreciated his insightful observations of developments printed in the book. Clearly he was one of the lions of this organization and as I have only recently become involved I am humbled to be trying to carry on the good work that Frank and all of you have done over the years.
My best wishes to Frank’s family and all of you who he touched. ~Dave Johnston, coordinator of the WVHC “Wilderness Stewards” program
Dear All~ I want to express my deep condolences for the loss of your friend and colleague, Frank. I am sorry that I did not get a chance to work with him or to know him. From what I have read and am hearing from you, it sounds like he was a true warrior on many beings’ behalf.
May I contribute to honoring him by my future work with you.
~Susan Rosenblum [new WVHC board member]
*Such an amazing leader and environmental advocate.
We have lost a truly great man. ~Beth Baldwin, former WVHC board member
*Such a loss and I’m so sad to hear. Frank was a force. A loss for certain, but a platform held strong for others to carry the torch. Cheers to Frank and a life well lived. ~Adam Cassaday, former WVHC board member
*So sorry to hear this. He put in many hours and accomplished many good things. ~Barb Douglas
*Legend. ~Clint Hogbin, Hedgesville, WV
*Sorry to hear this! ~Robin Blakeman, formerly of OVEC
*The WV Environment lost a big voice. ~LeJay Graffious, former WVHC board member
*This is a big loss for WV. Our hearts go out to his family and to the Environmental community. ~Wendy Perrone, Three Rivers Avian Center
*A loss of not just our friend, but so much knowledge, experience, and expertise. Frank knew the legislature better than its delegates and senators. Throughout his medical issues, he kept focused on issues and continued to contribute. He cared passionately about the Highlands and statewide environmental issues. Yet, there have been other losses. Too many in the short time I have been involved. New people have stepped up gotten involved, equally passionate. Frank could be acerbic, combative, and determined. But he remained a friend after he stepped off your toes. We honor him by continuing the work we all have chosen, to which he dedicated so much of his life. ~George Beetham, WVHC board member emeritus
*I have not had the chance to work directly with Frank, but it is easy to appreciate all he has done for the Highlands Conservancy and E Council. Frank will certainly be missed both as a stalwart champion of the Highlands and as a friend. I also appreciate Becky, whose quiet, industrious presence was so much a part of the tapestry of our meetings. Thank you, Frank and Becky, blessings to you both.
~Randy Kesling, WVHC board member
*It’s a sad day indeed. I didn’t know Frank as well or for as long as many of you did, but through our service together on the WVHC Board I gained an enormous respect and admiration for him. From the moment you first met Frank, you knew you were dealing with a man of intelligence and compassion and fierce dedication to principle. It’s a shame that the majority of West Virginians will neither realize nor appreciate what Frank Young has done for them. -Jim Van Gundy, former WVHC board member