Could Logging in Parks Help Wildlife?
By Doug Wood When the Division of Forestry tries to justify logging in state parks, it sometimes says that it wants to help wildlife. While it does not fully articulate…
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West Virginia Environmental Council in Midst of Legislative Mayhem
By Frank Young Legislative Session Preparations: The West Virginia Environmental Council (WVEC, aka “E-Council”) is, as its name suggests, a council or coalition of several environmental organizations whose general purposes include…
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Corridor H: Must a Bad Project Be Badly Done?
By Hugh Rogers One day last September, I drove over to the Cherry Fork end of South Haddix Trail in northern Randolph County. Our friend Barbara Weaner, who lives at…
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Another Year, Another Full Plate
By Larry Thomas January started the new year with a lot of activity. I believe you could say it came in like a lion. From the proposed pipelines, proposed logging…
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Governor Justice Has Plan for State Parks: Timberrrrrr!
By John McFerrin A bill to allow commercial logging in West Virginia’s State Parks has been introduced in the West Virginia Legislature. The bill, Senate Bill 270 (SB270) and…
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Modern Life: A Cautionary Tale
By Dave Cooper I have noticed that backyard fire pits have become a trendy item in the cities. It seems that Americans have finally discovered what the Scouts and WVHC…
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From Paul Salstrom Steven Stoll’s book Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia just appeared from a major New York publisher, and as reviews accumulate in the media, they often mention…
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Antero Clearwater Settlement
By Cindy Rank The Antero Clearwater permit appeal reported in the December 2017 Highlands Voice led to a settlement agreement requiring stronger monitoring requirements for the landfill accepting frack waste…
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More Aluminum for Shavers Fork?
By John McFerrin The J. F. Allen Company has asked for a Major Modification of its NPDES permit for its Pond Lick Quarry outside Elkins. The quarry drains treated waste…
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What’s Wrong With Virginia’s Review of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
By Rick Webb, Program Coordinator, Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition (DPMC) My name is Rick Webb. I recently retired from my position as a Senior Scientist at the University of Virginia,…
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