Mountain Valley Pipeline to Get Closer Scrutiny at Stream Crossings
By John McFerrin Because of Court and Agency action, the developers of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) may not be able to use an anticipated shortcut in getting approval…
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Why We Joined
In April, 2018, the Board had a day long, facilitated discussion on the future of the organization, how we might change and adapt, etc. For more on the discussion,…
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Public Lands Advocacy Workshop Coming Up
Ready to take your public lands activism beyond writing letters to decision makers? Ready to inspire others in your community to act? You’re ready to be a West Virginians…
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Wildflowers in Spring
By Jackie Burns Ah Spring. The days get longer. The birds sing sweetly. And the woodlands come alive with color as wildflowers bloom. You probably know that woodland wildflowers sprout and…
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The Future: What will WVHC look like 10, 20 or 50 years from now?
By Frank Young The WV Highlands Conservancy has endured for more than a half century. For an organization operated almost exclusively by volunteers, many “professionals” in non-profit organizational management training…
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Our efforts made the Nature Conservancy addition possible
By George E. Beetham Jr. This story begins in 2002 when a notice appeared in the Grant County Press about a wind farm that was to stretch from well north…
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Celebrating National Trails Day
The first Saturday in June is National Trails Day. This year West Virginia Highlands Conservancy member Katherine McFerrin celebrated by running the Deckers Creek Half Marathon along the Deckers Creek…
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Thoughts from our president
In addition to providing an abundance of rain, May has produced a flurry of information that will be of interest to West Virginia Highlands Conservancy members. Information includes: Monitoring the…
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Another Delay for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
By John McFerrin The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has ruled that the Incidental Take Permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is void because the limits…
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The Mayapple
Immature fruits as well as the vegetative structures of Mayapple are poisonous. As with many drugs, there is a fine line between poison and effective medicinal use.American Indians ate…
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