Groups Say Rover Pipeline Fine Is Too Small
By John McFerrin The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has joined with the West Virginia Rivers Coalition (which led the effort) and seventeen other organizations in criticizing the actions taken by…
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Groups Ask That Atlantic Coast Pipeline be Halted
Several citizen and environmental groups, including the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, have asked that construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline be halted because it does not have the proper…
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By Rick Webb, Highlands Conservancy Board Member and Chair of the Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance CSI Program The Pipeline Air Force, a component of the Pipeline Compliance Surveillance Initiative (CSI), has…
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Court Vacates Federal Decisions on MVP Construction
By Kate Mishkin The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the Bureau of Land Management’s decision to grant a right of way, and the U.S. Forest Service’s decision…
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Board Highlights
By John McFerrin A lot of the July meeting of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Board meeting was the same old, same old: we still have members; membership secretary Beth…
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Land and Water Conservation Fund in Peril
The Land and Water Conservation Fund is scheduled to expire on September 30, 2018. There are efforts afoot to keep that from happening and to keep it authorized permanently. The Land…
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New Hiking Guide Brings Color Photos, Maps, and 200 Trails
By Hugh Rogers It’s been a long hike to a new edition of the Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide. Some of our companions didn’t make it all the way. We…
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Thoughts from our President
By Larry Thomas Old-Growth Forest in West Virginia To the untrained eye it is a group of really big trees, but to Doug Wood, a retired Department of Environmental Protection water-quality…
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We Have Wilderness; Now We Need to Work to Keep It Wilderness
By George E. Beetham Jr. On October 13, 1746, Thomas Lewis, a surveyor from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia was a member of a survey team headed by Peter Jefferson,…
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Board Meeting Coming Up
The summer board meeting of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy will held on Saturday, July 21 at a location near Elkins. While only Board members are allowed to vote and…
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