Assembled by Rick Webb, Highlands Conservancy Board Member and Chair of the Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance CSI Program When the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved construction of the ACP in…
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One Bird’s Story
By LeJay Graffious Maggie Perl returns from the net lanes with several brown paper bags, each labeled with a bird alpha code and twisted at the top to create a…
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Building the Banding Building
By LeJay Graffious The small banding building is only used for about 2 months and is assembled and taken apart each year. The idea for a shelter began in 1979,…
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Where do the birds go from here?
By LeJay Graffious Joan Bell Pattison maintains the recovery data related to the AFMO. Fewer than 100 birds banded at AFMO have been found away from the station. This rate…
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Banding Birds for Over Six Decades
By LeJay Graffious Each year, in late summer through early fall, volunteers gather near Red Creek campground on the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area, to help with banding efforts of migrating…
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Wanted: Membership and Fulfillment Secretary
After eleven+ years in the position, Beth Little is retiring and resigning her position at the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy. Because of that THE WEST VIRGINIA HIGHLANDS CONSERVANCY, the state’s…
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Remembering Ben Stout
By Cindy Rank Ben Stout, father, teacher, friend, scientist, ecologist, activist and lover of life, died August 3, 2018. Since then there has been an outpouring of fond remembrances from…
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Annual Meeting
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Fall Review 2018 And Annual Meeting Experience Learning Inc. Spruce Knob Mountain Center 18…
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Thoughts from our president
The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy (WVHC) has received a contribution from the Explorers Club of Pittsburgh (ECP) in the memory of former ECP club members George Bogel and Robert…
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Pipelines Keep Getting Stopped (at least temporarily)
Atlantic Coast Pipeline The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has ordered the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to stop construction because it does not have the proper permits and approvals. In previous…
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