Court of Appeals Denies Stay in Stream Crossings Case
By John McFerrin The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has refused to stay the effectiveness of the District Court’s decision…
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Fossilized Sunshine
Fossilized sunshine, we dig it out of the groundIt can still shine brightly and it makes the world go ‘round
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Spruce Knob
Up Spruce Knob road in cloud mistHow like the heart when absenceoutweighs that heft once carried
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Federal Court Voids Key Permit
By John McFerrin A United States District Court Judge in Montana has ruled that Nationwide Permit 12 issued pursuant to the Clean Water Act…
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Ruminations on Mon Timber Harvesting Planning and Wildlife Management Planning–Twin Misguided Cousins
By Jack SlocumbI have been reading in the Voice about the development of the Management Plan for the Mon. In regard to timber…
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The New Trail: Finding a way while keeping apart during the pandemic
By Hugh Rogers Twenty-some years ago, Ruth and I led a hike for the Highlands Conservancy’s “Mon-a-thon” program. We brought tea. When we reached…
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West Virginia Admits That Its Coal Mine Reclamation Bonding System Is On Brink of Collapse
By Peter MorganA recent filing by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) makes clear that state mine regulators are completely unprepared…
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West Virginia Considers Weakening Water Protections
By Randy KesslingThe West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection held a virtual public hearing on April 20 to receive comments on its proposed…
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ClimateWise – Brook Trout, we need to listen to them
By Jeff Witten, Elkins, on behalf of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Climate Change Committee As I type this article, looking at Shavers Fork…
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We Surveyed the Members; What Did They Say?
By the WVHC Climate Change CommitteeThe Climate Change Committee conducted a historic survey of Highlands Conservancy members on climate change in March and…
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