WV Senate Passes DEP-backed Bill Weakening Some Water Quality Standards
By Mike TonyThe West Virginia Senate has passed legislative rules on environmental protection that include a weakening of water quality standards for certain…
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Thoughts from our president
Spring officially arrived on March 20 here in the highlands. As winter is fading away one finds evidence of the different stages of the annual transition, certainly…
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How Stands the Mountain Valley Pipeline?
By John McFerrin In planning the Mountain Valley Pipeline and getting the permits needed, its developers face a fundamental challenge: the pipeline, as proposed, must…
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Legislative Semi-News
A monthly publication such as The Highlands Voice is a lousy place to get legislative news. This early in the session things change day to day. Later on, they will be…
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Through Our Native State
By Lenore CoberlyWe drive down the Little Kanawha late in life,enfolded by green hills in spring leaf, at speed…
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Ever wonder what’s the best way to offset your carbon footprint? There’s a website for that
There are a number of places on the Internet where you can purchase “carbon offsets” by planting trees or other activities to take out of the atmosphere…
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From The West Virginia Hills
by Lenore McComas Coberly; reviewed by Cindy RankA journey through a life well livedThe song of Lenore McComas Coberly’s life…
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Board Highlights
By John McFerrinFor the latest of what seemed like too many times in a row we gathered in our little Zoom boxes to…
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West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Seeks Program Director
WVHC, now in its 54th year, currently serves approximately 1,500 members and supporters with a strong history of promoting, encouraging, and working for the conservation and an appreciation of…
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Overappreciated Prognosticators; Underappreciated Interior Designers
By John McFerrin Now we have a few more data points in the ongoing effort to determine if groundhogs really can predict the…
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