Worried yet?
As if widespread drought, mass extinctions, more severe storms, etc. were not sufficient cause for concern, a study by Duke University recently reported that the concentrations of…
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Another Earth Day
By Marion Harless Wisconsin’s Senator Gaylord Nelson thought it would be wonderful to have a student led teach-in on the environment at the nation’s…
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Finding New Uses for Abandoned Lands?
By John McFerrinCongress is considering two bills–the Revitalizing the Economy of Coal Communities by Leveraging Local Activities and Investing More (RECLAIM)…
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Another Conservancy Founder Passes
A tribute by Dave ElkintonOne of the key founders of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, Lou Greathouse, passed away November 24, 2019 in…
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You’ve Read the Book; Now See the Movie
In the past, The Highlands Voice has had several stories about a Mine Research Facility proposed for a site on the border of Pocahontas and Randolph Counties, near Mace,…
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Who Gets Stuck When Mines Fail?
There has been another development as we inch forward to a solution to the problem of how to reclaim failing mines. The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, the Sierra…
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Thoughts from our president
Public lands provide significant benefits to the public, our environment, and our economy. Our West Virginia public lands, including our state forests and parks as well as…
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Is Sauce for the Goose also Sauce for the Gander?
By John McFerrinIf we measure an idea by comparing what it accomplishes with what it was supposed to, the Hatfield-McCoy Trail system has…
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Off-highway Vehicles: a Threat to Our Public Lands
By Larry ThomasEfforts have been persistent in promoting off-highway vehicle recreation on our public lands, Federal and state, in West Virginia in the…
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WV Legislature- Win Some, Lose Some
By WVHC & WV E-Council legislative committees Sort of like a high stakes poker game, the fate of environmental related bills in the West…
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