Mountain Valley Pipeline Hits a Big Snag
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has recommended a permit the Mountain Valley Pipeline needs to cross streams and wetlands in West Virginia be denied.
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What Are Synchronous Fireflies?
Fireflies (also called lightning bugs) are beetles. Most of their lifecycle is spent in the larval stage (1-2 years), where they feed on snails, worms, and smaller…
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Dark Skies over Watoga
By Louanne Fatora Editor’s note: The Watoga State Park Foundation is in the middle of an effort to have Watoga State Park and the adjacent…
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Thoughts from our president
The Conservancy is very excited to welcome Cory Chase our Program Director. Cory will be working with the board and its committee chairs as well as our…
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Congress Begins to Shape Climate Policy
By Perry Bryant, Climate Committee Chairman There are going to be many twists and turns in the Congressional battle over climate policy. And anything…
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Mountain Valley Pipeline Poses Threats to Trout Streams
By Randy KeslingA saying among anglers is that trout don’t live in ugly places – a nice reminder of what we love about…
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Conservation Hub Takes Flight
By Dan Shaffer In August of last year, shortly after the cancellation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, the Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance (ABRA) announced the…
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Wheeling University Remembers Ben Stout
By Cindy RankFor those who knew Ben Stout, or worked with him, or heard about him, or read some of his research or…
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By Hugh Rogers Less heart for long walks, more thoughts of walks taken. Some short quotes at the end of Duncan Minshull’s anthology, Beneath My…
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I can easily have a big whirl of being with the surge of crossed lanes of the stucky
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