Out of Date Legislative Update
By Luanne McGovernA monthly publication such as The Highlands Voice does not come out nearly often enough to keep up with what is going on…
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Thoughts from our President: Off-Road Vehicles Pose a Threat to West Virginia Public Lands
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has a long history of opposing Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) use on our West Virginia federal and state public lands. As reported previously, the Conservancy…
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Mountain Valley Pipeline Hits Another Snag
By John McFerrin The Mountain Valley Pipeline faces another setback, this time over a failure by the Fish and Wildlife Service to comply with…
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Indicators for Studying, Assessing and Evaluating Potential Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Effects and Costs on West Virginia Public Lands
There are numerous parameters to be used in the study and evaluation which will serve as the indicators of the potential of ORV effects if permitted on…
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Board Highlights
We started off with the businessy business (reviewing the financial report, approving a budget for next year) and then listened to Dave Saville report on strong membership…
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Perry Is Right
In December, 2021, The Highlands Voice published an article asserting that carbon capture and storage is not all that it is cracked up to be as a tool to…
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Lexington Coal Clean-Up Plan for Mingo County Mines
By Mike ToneyA coal company responsible for some of the highest discharges of a pollutant with toxic effects for West Virginia’s aquatic life…
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Our Readers Write
Dear Editor,The January Voice had an essay from Perry Bryant in which he disputed part of Dr. Randi Pokladnik’s piece in the December…
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Supporting the Wilderness Climate:
The First Season of Dolly Sods Wilderness StewardsPart 3: The Seeds of PopularityBy Dave Johnston
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How to Fix the Unfixable
By Cindy RankWe’ve seen it before with coal and now it’s happening with gas.On the coal front we have…
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