A Little Elaboration and Clarification
By John McFerrin The March, 2022, issue of The Highlands Voice included a story about geothermal energy and its potential as a source of electricity in…
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The Mayfly
Mayflies have been around for some 350 million years. This means that they existed even before the dinosaurs came to existence and they survived extinction event that…
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The Mayapple
Immature fruits as well as the vegetative structures of Mayapple are poisonous. As with many drugs, there is a fine line between poison and effective medicinal use. American…
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A vision of trophy wild brook trout in WV
By Mark Taylor Dustin Wichterman has always been connected to the wilds of West Virginia.He spent his youth traipsing through…
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Who you gonna believe—me, or your lyin’ eyes?
By Hugh Rogers In the last week of April, the Thomas City Council met to hear from the state Division of Highways (DOH) on…
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The First Season of Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards
By Dave JohnstonIn the first five parts of this article, which is based on the presentation I made at the WVHC Fall Review,…
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Thoughts from our president
Throughout April, Old Man Winter still wasn’t quite ready to leave the highlands. We have had snow, heavy winds and freezing temperatures that have continued to do…
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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Approves Change for Mountain Valley Pipeline
By John McFerrin The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved a change in the construction method that the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) will…
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“Forced Pooling” Comes to West Virginia
By David McMahonForced unitization bills, often termed “forced pooling” bills, have been very controversial for years. West Virginia Surface Owners Rights Organization (WVSORO)…
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2022 Opening Dates Announced for Monongahela National Forest Recreation Sites
Monongahela National Forest has announced the 2022 opening dates for developed recreation sites across the Forest. The dates may change based on local conditions. Visit the Forest’s…
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