Become a Citizen Scientist! Help Conduct Water Quality Monitoring Related to Corridor H Construction
The Rivers Committee of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has partnered with Friends of the Cheat, West Virginia Rivers Coalition, Trout Unlimited, Corridor H Alternatives and members…
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Coal Company Held in Contempt
By John McFerrinLexington Coal Company has been held in contempt for its failure to comply with previous Court orders to clean up its…
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Thoughts from our president
Our West Virginia Highlands are a biologically important treasure and perform an immeasurable role in our ability to support and promote tourism, provide clean drinking water, and…
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Time to Talk Turkey Again
By Cindy RankNo, it’s not November.Nor is it Thanksgiving or any other recurring celebratory events.But…
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Landowner Arrested for Impeding a Hunt
In April 2021 Eddie Fletcher heard the loud barking of hounds close to his house on his wooded property in Greenbrier County. Fletcher quickly ran to the…
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Abolish West Virginia Spring/Summer Bear Dog Training
By Allen JohnsonThis picture is of a young bear that entered our chicken coop in August 2020. I shot it at the command of…
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Announcing a Hybrid Webinar to be held on Monday, May 16, 2022:
“Utility-Scale Solar – a Revolution in Progress.”Large solar panel installations that can connect to the electric power grid are proliferating across America. Plans…
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Woodsman, Spare the Tree! (especially the old ones)
As described in the story on page 2, President Biden has issued an Order urging that we preserve and protect our forests, particularly old growth forests:
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Loony Rescue
By Cindy EllisThe accurate name for a singular bird is “Common Loon,” but that fascinating flyer is not often seen by many here…
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CASRI: Managing Forests for
Climate Resilience in West VirginiaBy John McFerrinThe Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI) is an ecosystem restoration organization, focusing upon restoration of Red Spruce ecosystems. Katy Barlow…
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